Cariño linking for portfolio analysisThis short guide explains why and how to use Cariño linking in portfolio attribution analysis.Nov 2, 2024Nov 2, 2024
Citrix “SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust ‘Certificate Authority’…”This is not a real story about something. But this is a handy note for all Linux and maybe Mac users.Feb 18, 2023Feb 18, 2023
How to boost SQLAlchemy data fetch speed from SnowFlake to Pandas DataFrameSQLAlchemy is a well-known ORM library ( to work with databases in Python…Jan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023
Published inDevOps.devSpring Cloud Stream Reactive + RabbitMQ + Dead Letter QueueI'm a big fan of the reactive programming pattern. So I choose a reactive way to build my application integration layer.Nov 26, 2022Nov 26, 2022
Elastic Logstash Kibana (ELK) and multiline Java (SpringBoot) logsOne day I decided to collect all my Docker containers logs in one place.Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Test Spring Boot services. Rollback transaction with R2DBC driverOne of the most important things in the project are tests: unit, integration, and functional.May 5, 20211May 5, 20211
Java 16 (JEP 394: Pattern Matching for instanceof)Java 16 is released. Let’s take a look at some new features for software engineers.Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021